What is the name of the evil Reywal's robot helper in Greanwold's first book, Greanwold and the Mystery Cave. Know the answer?
The first 5 correct answers get a FREE "Minosaurs Rule" night-shirt. Just click the button to send in your answer

"Win A Greanwold Night-shirt Contest"

Register For Greanwold's World and you could
Be one of the first 2,000 kids to register on Greanwold's World and you will be entered in a draw for a trip for 4 people in your family to spend 4 days at Disneyworld in California, no matter where you live in the world.
Every entry will win a prize!
Juat click HERE and type "I'm registering for Greanwold's World" in the text box. It must be typed exactly like this to quailfy as an entry.
But!!! Please make sure you have the OK from your mom or dad or caregiver
Click here for rules
"Find the Minosaur Face Contest" (Starts August 17th)
Every day, a Greanwold or a Minosaur face on the website will have a link to a special page (NOT THE MINOSAUR FACES ON THE MENU THOUGH). If you find the correct face and click on it, you will be taken to the page where you will be a WINNER!
When you get to that page though, you have to fill in the emailer to let us know you made it!
After 5 kids have found the page each day, it turns off until the next day so you have to be quick. What do you win? If we told you, it wouldnt be a suprise, right?

Click on the Bee Contest

Somewhere on Greanwold's World website is a BEE. If you find the bee and click on it, you win a prize. Simple! In fact it is so simple, even an adult could do it. (But they can't. You have to be a kids and between 6 and 11 years of age to qualify)