Who is Greanwold?
Greanwold is a mythical creature, one of a group of Minosaurs (small ancient dragons) that originate in the lost world of Norgarland. The Greanwold character and his Minosaur friends is based on the adventures of an 8 year old junior “Indiana Jones”, wannabe named Keegan Clark, who is guided to a very mysterious cave by a map given to him by a seemingly kindly store owner, Mr Shama who has some amazing talents. Having found the magical spot, Keegan accidentally releases 12 rambunctious Minosaurs including the star, Greanwold and incurs the vengeful wrath of the Minosaurs arch nemesis, Moa Constrictor, a creature as evil as the Minosaurs are good. See YouTube :
The story began as a short story that then morphed into a paper back book that has sold over 1,800 copies to date
Greanwold's GreanPal Language System
The GreanPal brand is a sub-brand of the Greanwold brand that is owned by Greanwold Interactive Inc. he GreanPal system, called the GreanPal Language & Friendship Club, will be accessed either through desktop or laptop computer or through mobile devices and is tailored for the young child. The service will be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and will take into account the various time zones across the world. For example, China is 15 hours ahead of the west coast of North America. Therefore a child logged into a lesson in GreanPal at 7:00PM in China; it will be 4:00AM on the west coast of North America. Each lesson will be overseen by a “monitor” who will oversee and tutor, using language software, up the 5 children online at a time.
Monitors will be required to have flexible hours and be available to take into account the different time zones around the globe. As the world now embraces a global market made more so by the advent of the internet, the company could hire monitors from many countries. Location is not a concern but monitors will be required to be natural English speakers, preferably with some ESL experience and/or some college or university education. The GreanPal system will be efficient, fun, simple to use and most importantly, will be affordable to Chinese working class families. Most importantly for parents, it will be secure. Management is in negotiation with several language software companies has received a contract from Rosetta Stone with very favorable terms. Rosetta Stone signed a Non Disclosure / Non-Circumvention agreement with the company. An agreement with one provider is expected to be finalized upon the company securing the necessary financing.
Bullying is a universal problem. Schools are a natural portal of entry into community violence and bullying is a universal dysfunctional social process, in which the bully and the victim are symptoms, not causes of that dysfunction. There are 10 truths that are cross-cultural and deserve consideration if a remedial approach is to become a practical reality in struggles against community violence.
Children need clear, consistent signals from home and school;
Biology transcends culture;
Schools mirror their communities;
Bullying is a process, not a person;
When adults deny problems, children become targets;
Children are developmentally similar across cultures;
All schools have a climate;
Children need to feel safe to learn;
When children feel securely attached and valued, they grow;
Natural leaders and altruism are necessary for school and community change.
There are many reasons behind bullying and there are cultural causes among others. For example, in a culture where many people are lead by the desire to achieve, to be a winner, be successful and dominate others, it is expected that people will be influenced and will want to seek power using violence. Domestic violence is sometimes at the base and it is regarded that young people are raised thinking that violence is the answer and it is the only way to get what they want. Another example can be taken from the wrestling area, where bullies are glorified in the name of entertainment. Especially young people are very easily influenced and once they get to know this world, it is unlikely they will think of another alternative to getting their way.
The Greanwold School and Anti-bullying Program will also be created as a school fund raiser for cash strapped schools. There will be more information on this program coming out in the next few weeks.