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One Time Share Offer in You N Me Productions Corp

The current value of the Greanwold project has been calculated at $2.6 Million dollars. 

You N Me Productions corp owns 100% of the voting shares in Greanwold Interactive Inc and 98.5% of issued shares. This provides a value to the You N Me Productions Shares of $0.127 cents per share. Therefore, the shares in this offering are available at a discount of seven cents per share.


This will never be offered again and comprise almost 8% of this issued stock.  If no current shareholders are interested in picking up more shares for their portfolio, Michael Trigg and James Douglas will purchase the remaining shares with the cost applied against their shareholder loan accounts. 


If you are interested in acquiring any of these shares, please contact the company on or before the 22nd of December, 2016, midday. or It is on a first come, first served basis. 


You N Me Productions owns five additional intellectual properties that will be developed once Greanwold has attained cash flow.

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