World Environment Day - held annually every June 5th.
World Oceans Day - held annually every June 8th.
National Trails Day - held annually on the first Saturday of June (U.S. event).
World Day to Combat Desertification - held annually on June 17th to raise awareness of efforts to combat desertification and the effects of drought.
Great American Backyard Campout - held annually in the latter part of June (U.S. event).
World Population Day - held annually every July 11th.
International Youth Day - held annually on August 12th.
International Coastal Cleanup Day - held annually during the second or third Saturday of September.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - held annually on September 16th.
Clean Up the World Campaign - held annually during the third weekend of September.
International Day of Peace - held annually on September 21st.
World Habitat Day - held annually on the first Monday of October.
World Day for Farmed Animals - held annually on or around October 2nd (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday).
World Animal Day - held every October 4th to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.
National Tour of Solar Homes and Businesses - held every October throughout North America (U.S. and Canadian event).
International Walk to School Month - held annually in October.
World Food Day - held annually on October 16th by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Learn about hunger statistics from the World Food Programme.
Food Day - held annually in the third week of October (U.S. event).
World Vegan Month - held annually all month.
America Recycles Day - held annually on November 15th. A Keep America Beautiful initiative.
Buy Nothing Day - held annually just after Thanksgiving.
International Volunteer Day - held annually on December 5th.
Human Rights Day - held annually on December 10th.