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Ask Christy

Who is Christy?  
Christy is one of the founders of Greanwold and the  Minosaurs. She has had a lot of experience in counselling people, moms, dads and children.  She really enjoys helping children and her goal is to  establish a foundation based on Greanwold that helps children in need, no matter where they live in the world. Christy has very strong feelings about the importance of family and is willing to help anyone to the best of her ability.  To connect with Christy, just fill out the  form and she will be in touch.  Please see the following note from Christy.

A big HELLO out there to all you fellow Minosaur fans.  

Greanwold and my message here to all of you is based  on good old common sense and the need for kindness for one another.


“BULLIES”. What an ugly word that is isn’t it?

 I live in a neighbourhood where there are people from all around the world, England, Brazil, Croatia, Chile and Belarus and what wonderful people they are. They came to New Zealand for a better life for the kids.  BUT, when their kids started school, within days they were starting to be bullied and told to go back where they came from (this is happening in many other countries as well). It was very upsetting to them as they had done nothing wrong.

Thanks! Message sent.

Due to the ugliness that is happening in some parts of the world today, many are being affected in thinking that anyone that is different could be dangerous! What a silly idea that is! I say; take the time to get to know the facts before you criticize.


A good saying is: Check and check again - so mistakes are not made.


Don’t you think we should all embrace other cultures? We should enjoy learning about other countries and languages and take pride in teaching people from these other countries and places, about own country and language.


The world really needs to come together as one and it’s going to be up to children to show the way and teach mom’s and dad’s as well.


There is no place for BULLIES! Greanwold came from another planet where they lived in harmony and enjoyed life in Nogardland. Until evil hit their planet as well, that is when they retreated to our earth to find harmony again. But then, Greanwold realised there was a lot of work to do here as well. In the Greanwold stories you will read about, there are two cultures working together (and having fun doing it) to bring harmony back to our world.

Greanwold and I are putting a call out to all you fellow Minosaur believers. Be the first to turn away from bullies and bigots and show kindness to those who are different.


Chat again soon 😊

Greanwold and Christy.

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